No-Kno's Diversity Analytics platform scans a brand's ads, videos and social media content at scale with AI/ML technology and offers insights into opportunities for more inclusive marketing and more brand relevance.

No-Kno Platform FAQ

  • Our measurements of demographics are based on the visual appearance of the people depicted in your advertisements. Make-up, for instance, may make some talents appear younger or older than they actually are. This is not a problem. We are not interested in finding out the exact demographic of the talents in your ads, but rather which demographic they represent.

    As an example, if a talent is 37 years old in reality, but looks 27 thanks to make-up, they will represent the age group 25-34 to your viewers, and not 35-44.

    Age: The image analysis model will return an age range, we take the mean of the age range as the visual age.

    Gender: We realise that gender is not a simple binary attribute that can be determined by visual appearance alone. However, our model looks at facial features to classify a person in a binary way, as male or female.

    Ethnicity: A person's dominant and secondary visual race/ethnicity is inferred by our model, along with the probability of belonging to each.

    Stereotypes: Often, negative stereotypes are specific to an industry or a product. "Which gender is behind the wheel and who is the passenger in a car commercial?" can reflect certain gender stereotypes specific to the automotive industry.

    As our platform develops, we will be able to measure more behavioral patterns. In addition, we work with our clients to determine which behavioral patterns and potential stereotypes they want to measure.

    Other intersectional aspects: Non-visible characteristics such as religion or sexual orientation, cannot be inferred from visual cues. However, we capture the captions and text around the visuals which allows us to map non-visual aspects.

  • The purpose of No-Kno is to analyse advertisements at scale. As with any quantitative method, it has its limitations. Algorithms used to analyze images detect visual features and do not take into account cultural or personal context. You should consider No-Kno an essential part of your quest for more inclusive communication, alongside qualitative research, strategic dialogue, and an inclusive organization.

  • When the input image is sufficiently large, has good lighting, is sharp, etc., our model is at least as accurate as a human reviewer.

    We always keep a human in the loop, however. An image will be flagged if it is too small, blurry, or if the model returns low confidence in a prediction. An editor may then decide to keep or edit the results.

  • To avoid bias in race/ethnicity inference, we make sure our datasets are balanced on age, gender and race/ethnicity.

    When we use commercial datasets or models we test for accuracy and bias against these groups.

  • We can customise our platform on 3 levels

    • Custom connectors: to ingest data from your specific platform or data source

    • Custom analysis: our analysis pipeline allows to plug-in custom analysis models.

    • Custom dashboards: we can create custom dashboards to data visualisations to match your reporting

Who Uses The No-Kno Platform

  • No-Kno was developed with global and local marketing teams in mind. We scan the diversity in marketing assets across markets/countries and touch points.

    We offer continuous measurement via the No-Kno Platform through a yearly subscription model, which includes access to the platform and workshops to discuss insights.

  • The importance of inclusive communication in employer branding and recruitment communication cannot be overstated. We can work with HR departments the same way we work with marketing departments for talent acquisition campaigns.

  • We are happy to collaborate with agencies and consultants if a client brand decides to work with No-Kno. Data, insights, and reports are provided by No-Kno, while the agency or consultant handles inclusive communication strategy and governance.

    Aside from that, No-Kno can also be used by creative agencies and consultants as a Quick Scan to get insights for pitches and workshops. All owned media of your client or their competitors can be scanned without requiring API connections.

How We Work Together

This is a typical workflow for collaborating with a brand that requires hands-on support. We guide you through each step, from the baseline scan to strategy development and ongoing tracking. However, we also work with clients who prefer to self-manage the platform, offering flexibility to meet various needs.

    • Set up connectors to media channels

    • Run diversity tracker on all channels

    • Quality control

    • Create results report

    • Preview of results with project owners to prepare workshop

    • Finalise results report

    • Presentation of data to team

    • Discussion of results

    • Discussion of strategic questions

    • Defining guiding principles and objectives

    • Quarterly reports and analyst call

    • End of year reporting and analyst call


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